Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Forum Meeting of the New Year!

The Forum provides for informal interaction among Associates, the Broker, and Business Partners on a wide range of topics and issues currently affecting themselves and the marketplace. The Forum is designed for you, the agent, to share ideas for increasing production and improving business practices.

Many topics, other than those shown in the agenda, were discussed today. Really great ideas were shared for increasing production, enhancing customer interaction, increasing your Book of Business, ethics issues, legal issues, and best practices.

Kim Kelman, WFHM, conducted training on the HIP and HAP Programs. These programs allow qualifying applicants to purchase without any down payment. Also, Jeremy Schneider, WFHM, shared Wells Fargo’s latest loan programs, including loan approvals for applicants with credit scores as low as 500. Both Jeremy and Kim spoke about Wells Fargo’s automated loan approval process. This should prove to be helpful in speeding the process of loan approval. Great News, Thanks Kim and Jeremy!

Kathleen Small and Jacob Delgado, Fieldstone Homes, served a tasty luncheon and fruit. They shared the new incentives that Fieldstone is offering Realtors. Fantastic News Kathleen and Jacob!

Jim briefed on the importance of setting a personal goal for 2011. The Company goals was shared and everyone believes the goals are achievable. Goals Must Have a Purpose Behind Them-Does Yours?

Kalea Piper from Champions School of Real Estate and Jim Faulkner

Leonora Walker winning a Starbucks card courtesy of Kathleen Small and Jacob Delgado of Fieldstone Homes

Jim Faulkner with Kathleen Small and Jacob Delgado of Fieldstone Homes

Jim Faulkner with our new agent Mike Thomas

Jim Faulkner with our departing receptionist. We'll miss you!

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